EPDS Software Development Ltd.


Find answers to all your ExAM VoC questions!

What exactly is ExAM?

ExAM is a feasible competence scheme for explosive industries. It is an in-house competence system in which a dedicated person has the necessary skills to make responsible decisions in a given area of expertise.

What is VoC?

Verification of Competency.
A competence assessment is used to demonstrate knowledge and skills to perform a specific task.

Why is the ExAM VoC Tool safer than other online test software?

You get a live support connection and a real contract, not only checkboxes. You can work in a separate test environment, and only the users you specify have access to your data.

All questions, exams, and data you add to ExAM Online VoC remain your property.

How much does it cost? How do I know how much I have to pay?

We agree an individual price with each client, which is then contractually agreed. So you will pay for exactly what you use the system for as specified in the contract.

What can I use Online VoC for?

You can use the system to assess competence and knowledge in any field.

Can I use it for occasional testing?

Yes. You can use it for recruitment or on-boarding, to verify your knowledge of internal policies, or to quickly check your expertise.

Can I get some help to use it?

Yes. We can help you with installation, commissioning, testing, and even the actual exam if you need it.

Can I use my own questions?

Yes, you can.

Will my HR person be able to use it?

Yes. The interface is user-friendly and we provide ongoing support every weekday from 9-17.


What happens to my data in the event of a power cut or accident?

Your data is stored in a secure cloud, everything will remain intact.

What does it mean to work with validated questions?

That if you don't want to create your own set of questions, you can choose from the existing exam questions in our system. These have already been reviewed, improved and refined by a team of experts in the field.

ExAM Online VoC Tool Demo

Request a demo and we will get back to you within 24 hours!
You will get to know us and we will answer all your questions, and at the end, we will offer you a completely personalized solution.